No other technology can achieve such accuracy because measurement becomes inferred, which is indirect and subject to assumption. Positive displacement meter is a type of flow meter that requires fluid to mechanically displace components in the meter in order for flow measurement. Positive displacement flow meter what it is and how does. A mas s flow meter operating on the corioli s principle c ontain s a v ibra ting tube i n which a fluid flow caus es changes i n frequen c y, phase s hift or am plitude. It has two sides connected to the inlet and outlet ports. Understanding how a positive displacement flow meter works azom. The principle of the measurement is that as the liquid flows through the meter. Positive displacement flow meter, master pd flowmeters, preset batching flowmeter, tank truck loading flowmeter, manufacturer, pune, maharashtra, india. Positive displacement meter an overview sciencedirect. The blancett positive displacement flow meter provides high measurement accuracy for fluids over a wide viscosity range.
Positive displacement flowmeters achieve this by repeatedly entrapping fluid in order to measure its flow. Along with the smooth oval rotors, exceptional repeatability and. A positive displacement flow meter is a cyclic mechanism built to pass a fixed volume of fluid through with every cycle. The satam positive displacement meter pd meter is a system with. This means that the metered liquids this flow meter can measure must be clean and free from suspended solids. The meter is bidirectional and it has an extremely large turndown ratio, up to. The working principle construction, calibration etc. The smaller these clearances are, relates to how high the accuracy will be. Shashi menon, in transmission pipeline calculations and simulations manual, 2015. Positive displacement meter an overview sciencedirect topics. A positive displacement meter is a type of flow meter that requires fluid to mechanically displace components in the meter in order for flow measurement.
The oval gear meter is a also a type of positive displacement meter. For example, the positivedisplacement type of flow. The satam mass flowmeter is used to measure the mass and density of viscous products. Positive displacement flowmeter technology flowmeters. The ftb3000 series of positive displacement meters incorporates smooth oval rotors in their design. The positive displacement principle is the only accurate method of measuring fluid flow. The operating principle of the oval gear meter is based on two or more ovalshaped gears configured to rotate always at right angles to one another. Along with the smooth oval rotors, exceptional repeatability and high accuracy over a wide range of viscosities and flow rates are features of. Positive displacement flow meters directly measure the volume of fluid that passes though the flow meter.
The positive displacement pd flow meter, one of the earliest flow meters, works on the principle of a fixed volume of fluid, gas or liquid, causing a known. With only 2 moving parts, the positive displacement meter offers trouble free operation and long service life. Oval gear positive displacement flow meter bspf process connection, 1 30 l min flow rate contact now aluminum body mechanical fuel flow meter 25 150 l min 1 1 2 bspf ports. Applications include lubricants, fuels, chemicals and solvents, oils and greases. Reference owners manual for complete accuracy and uncertainty. Positive displacement flow meter positivedisplaceme ntflowmeter. Every cycle of the meter s mechanism displaces a precisely defined positive quantity of fluid, so that a count of the number of mechanism cycles yields a precise quantity for the total fluid volume passed through the flow meter. In most cases, it is prudent to install a suitable. Positive displacement flow meters are the only flow measuring instrument that can directly measure the volume of liquid passing though the flow meter. Positive displacement flowmeter technology is the only flow measurement technology that directly measures the volume of the fluid passing through the flowmeter.
Positive displacement gear flow meters can be installed either a horizontal or. The liquid controls positive displacement flowmeter series directly converts volume to rotational output with minimum scope for. Rotating positive displacement meters one of the main benefits of using a pd flow meter is the high level of accuracy that they offer, the high precision of internal components means that clearances between sealing faces is kept to a minimum. Positive displacement pd flow meters measure the volumetric flow rate of a.
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